This post contains major spoilers from the book Ragdoll by Daniel Cole. Read on at your own caution.

In the first book of the Detective William Fawkes series, it is revealed that a number of the characters are mentally unstable. They are all "unstable" in different ways, there is Baxter with her drinking problem, Will with his deep anger and Lethaniel with the god complex.

While these are quite varied in nature, they all stem from the same thing: believing something is fine when it isn't. Baxter believes she has a connection with Will (hey, not denying that there isn't, just sayin') Will may or may not agree yet), Will believes he was wronged when admitted to St. Ann's hospital, and Lethaniel believes he is a god and immune to everything.

I think these character flaws are really important and they highlight that especially in the police department, mental illnesses and unstableness can be common. You'll often see the media praise an officer for solving a hard case, but I believe more recognition and thought should be given out to them, the horrors they might've had to endure before solving the case.

Do you think the police get enough recognition?